Research and Fact-checking

Fact-checking is at the heart of any publication. If the facts don’t line up, the integrity and quality of a work is undermined. And in our online world, checking the facts is more important than ever before.

At N2, we are committed to the factual accuracy of anything and everything. We have a team of highly experienced fact-checkers who have worked on critically acclaimed, best-selling books and for top publications like the New Yorker and the Guardiancovering a vast range of topics.

The degree of fact-checking can vary, from re-interviewing sources and replicating statistical findings to simply double checking all of your charts and data to ensure consistency and accuracy (you'd be surprised how often that turns up problems). Our team can tailor the depth of their research to fit your needs and ensure that nothing but the truth gets published.

N2 itself has fact-checked multiple bestselling books, complicated technical/academic works, as well as autobiographical and historical pieces. And over their careers, our team members have fact-checked dozens of books and hundreds of articles.